
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lessons from a walk

Did you ever realize how non-pedestrian friendly our cities have become?
I took a walk today and I spent most of my time trying to find a place where I could cross the street without being run over by some driver who was busy texting.

I also saw how rude America has become. People honk and shout at each other for waiting too long at a stop sign. They litter the streets and sidewalks. They show no respect for others. For pedestrians. For public property. And ultimately, they get no respect in return.

I was a bit upset at all the rudeness and lack of respect I saw. But then, God put it into perspective.
I walked across an overpass with vehicles rushing underneath me at 65 miles per hour.
I felt so small, so insignificant. The noise, the confusion of it all!
But God sees it all, and holds all accountable for their actions. Good or bad.

Yes, I got a lesson in perspective today. God's perspective.



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jason...(part two)

Let's see now, where did I leave off?
Oh, yes, that's right!
I had asked Jason if He would like to become a child of God.
He said...yes.
I led him in prayer, explaining how it wasn't the words he said that saves him, it is the belief in his heart.
He prayed, and after we had finished, I asked him, whose child was he now?
He said he was God's child. Hallelujah!
I went through Hebrews 13:5b & 6a and shared some of the promises God has for him, I talked about Good News Club, and through it all he was excited.
Jason realized the importance of the decision he had made, and he was excited about his new faith in Christ!

Praise God!
(And this is just one story from one summer!)
