It was the end of the Bible Lesson. I had given the invitation and said, "If you would like to talk to me about how you can become a child of God, then I will be back there by that tree, and you can come and talk to me and I can show you from God's Word, the Bible, how you can become a child of God today." I walked over to the tree I had indicated, sat down and waited. During the song that followed the Bible lesson, a boy came over and sat down next to me by the tree.
"Hi Jason," I said. "Why did you come to talk to me today?" He responded, "Because I'd like to know how I could become God's child." Inwardly I rejoiced! But outwardly, I kept calm, smiled back at Jason and asked him, "Well, why do you need to become God's child?" He responded, "Because I've done my way instead of God's way." "That's right," I said. "We all have wanted our own way, which the Bible calls sin."
I continued asking Jason questions about the punishment for sin, the way to be saved, making sure he had a clear understanding of the Gospel. Then, I asked the key question. "Jason, would you like to become God's child today?"
(to be continued...)